Sunday, March 25, 2012

Roku: mini tour & TV addiction

MANY people before me have created blogs and sites about Roku, some with great screenshots.  If my embedded video doesn't work, see it at: .  I simply wanted to save money, so I set up an experiment to see if I wouldn't go stark raving mad without my sound box to keep me company and sing me to sleep.  TV is like "boxed company," sad huh?  I was raised with TV in every room (except bathrooms); I admit it, I was addicted to THE BOX.  Why isn't there a teleholics outreach or a 5-step program to set us free?  Roku is a portable streaming device that offers an alternative so our living rooms don't go silent and our brains can get their daily fix of movies or TV shows.  Here are some of my screenshot photos:  Here is one of them:

I began my journey with old analog TVs and no antennas.  Pulling my cable connection for me literally meant NO TV.  I had to do it in steps, just like an addict.   A little Roku box on an old analog TV with a game or video channel (under ch. 2) plus 2-3 yellow, white, maybe red A/V openings, and high speed Internet are all that are needed to see series, movies, news.  Add an amplified antenna and a digital converter box and you may get some local stations too, it was so exciting when that antenna pulled in TV at no monthly cost!  Add that antenna to a newer HD TV and voila!  Roku has Audio-visual or HDMI connections.  Come back soon to learn more tips about Roku, TV alternatives, Free shows & movies on the Net.

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